Cat Playground 2.1 APK

Cat Playground 2.1 APK
Cat Playground is a game for cats, not humans. Let your furry friend chase a mouse, fish, or a laser pointer, and earn points for everytime he catches it. Be warned tough, it may cause cat addiction....i love cat! aamzing!

Q – Can my cat claws scratch my phone/tablet ?
A – In theory yes, tough it’s extremely unlikely. Phone screens are made to endure harsh punishment, and most of the screens found on phones are made from glass wich is several times harder than a cat’s claws. We’ve had a kitten playing on a Samsung Galaxy Mini phone wich has a screen made from plastic, and the screen doesn’t have a single scratch on it.

Q – Is there anything i should keep in mind while my cat is using the app ?
A – Yes, human supervision is highly advised. Some cats can get pretty excited while playing Cat Playground and may try to bite or flip the phone. It’s preferable to put the phone on the ground instead of a couch or table to prevent fall damage.

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