ZPlayer v3.1.4 (3.1.4) APK
ZPlayer v3.1.4 (3.1.4) APK
Windows Phone 7 / Zune themed media player for Android OS.
note The Application uses android framework Audio Effect API, this API was introduced since android 2.3. Therefore only devices that have at least Android version 2.3 will be able to take advantage of this feature.
-if you use a third party equalizer that controls the output mix for all media playing on the device, disable it before using this application. This application needs to control its own audio effects.
-audio effects implemented include Equalizer, Bassboost and Virtualizer based on Android 2.3
What's in this version :
many bug fixesadded long click actions for tracks in all screens
adjusted homescreen text size
added 'single tap' setting to play albums from homescreen
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